Congratulations to our successful Year 8 team for winning 3rd place in the Northern Ireland heat of the Kids Lit Quiz 2012.
Ben Holley 8P, Adam Hale 8D, Matthew Skilling 8D and Adam Rainey 8C all came top of their Year Group to qualify for a place in the Quiz, which is a worldwide competition hosted by the Book Guru Wayne Mills.
Our team competed alongside 20 other teams from 15 schools drawn from around Northern Ireland to answer 100 challenging questions all about children’s books. The team got double points for their best round on Myths and each student got their choice of a book as a reward.
Competition was fierce and only the final round separated the winning three teams, with Methodist College Belfast taking 1stplace, Rathmore taking 2nd place and our Sullivan team coming 3rd. For their hard work, each member of our team won £10 in book vouchers and a chocolate shield.