Information on Self-Isolation and Close Contacts
(as of January 2022)
Further information on what to do if there is a positive lateral flow test result and close contacts is available at the following government websites:
Contact tracing to identify close contacts in the school and in the community will be carried out by the Public Health Agency. They will ring from the number 028 9536 8888. Please save this number on your phone so you will recognise it if they need to ring you, and please answer if they call.
Notify the School of Pupil Absence via IRIS Parentmail
Parents are asked to inform the school via IRIS Parentmail, if their son/daughter receives a positive lateral flow test for COVID-19 and are self-isolating or if their son/daughter has been identified as a close contact. The relevant staff will then be notified and the absence recorded as per DE guidelines.
Pastoral Issue
If you need to speak to someone about a pastoral issue, please email info@sullivanupper.holywood.ni.sch.uk. Please include pupil name and class so this can be directed to the Form Teacher.
Alternatively, and also if there is a safeguarding issue, you can reach a senior member of staff via the pastoral email: suspastoral114@c2kni.net.

Confirmed case of COVID-19 in School setting – Information for Parents and Staff from PHA

Changing C2K password
Please use the link below to change pupil or staff c2k passwords at home:
If pupils/parents need to email about password issues, please use the email address: mimage732@c2ken.net
Useful Advice for returning to school after lockdown
A return to school after lockdown may be a worrying time for pupils and parents. The links below provide some useful advice for both pupils and parents.
Childline - advice for young people who might be worried about going back or starting school
Young Minds -advice for parents supporting their children’s return to school post lockdown
Supporting pupils following loss during Covid-19