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Creative Writing

For those pupils interested in creative writing or journalism, this group meets regularly throughout the year to participate in workshops, share their work or hear from writers or journalists who visit the school.

The creative writers begin the year with an author visit in September, as part of the Aspects Literary Festival, where they participate in a writing workshop. Throughout the remainder of the year, other visits are organised and the sixth form pupils have the opportunity to participate in a sixth form creative writers' network, organised by Dr Wilkinson from Methodist College.

This year we have had very interesting visits from Malchi O’Doherty, Chris Bradford, Sheena Wilkinson, Colin Bateman and Alex Scarrow.

Pupils have had the opportunity to enter their work in the school poetry competition and some have been successful in having their work published in the 2011 Young Writers’ Poetry Book.

Head of English Department

At the Creative Writing Club held on Tuesday 29 September 2015 we had Danny McLaughlin from Uproar Comics taking a workshop on the Graphic Novel. We also launched a school competition to complete a story board on any subject and the deadline for entries is 12.00 noon on Friday 23 October 2015. The prize is a caricature drawing of the winner.

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