What Is Computing?
There are three main strands of the Computing curriculum: information technology, digital literacy and computer science.
Information technology is about the use of computers for functional purposes, such as collecting and presenting information, or using search technology.
Digital literacy is about the safe and responsible use of technology, including recognising its advantages for collaboration or communication.
Finally, computer science will introduce children of all ages to understanding how computers and networks work. It will also give all children the opportunity to learn basic computer programming.
Department Aims
It is our aim to ensure that all young people have the opportunity to learn how to use computers safely and cover a much of the 3 strands above as possible.
KS4 & 5
Pupils have the option to further their knowledge and understanding through the study at GCSE Digital Technology or Computer Science and A Level Computer Science.
Miss A M E Martin (Coordinator)
Miss Z Robinson (C2K Administrator and System Support Officer)
We have three fully networked classrooms with at least twenty pupil workstations and one teacher workstation, LCD projector and interactive whiteboard in each room. Rooms are equipped with the latest Windows PCs.
As well as these facilities A Level pupils have the option to use their own laptop equipment during class and their study periods which can be connected to the C2K Network using the wireless routers provided by C2K.
Key Stage 3
In Year 8 ICT is delivered in two periods per week. Pupils follow a programme of study to enhance their skills in Word Processing, Spreadsheets, Databases, Internet searching, Email, Paint and Multimedia using PowerPoint and MovieMaker.
E-safety is also a key aspect of the work carried out.
In Year 9 ICT is delivered in one period per week and pupils concentrate on enhancing their IT skills with Databases and coding skills with HTML, as well as having the opportunity to explore some more creative uses of multimedia using Photoshop.
The Year 10 program is also delivered in one period per week with the emphasis on helping pupils to prepare for GCSE. Topics covered range from further study of Spreadsheets and learning more about programming using Scratch and when time permits Visual Basic and Python.
Many additional resources are recommended to pupils to further advance their skills and access to these can be gained by asking your teacher and accessing Google Classroom.
In Years 11 & 12, pupils can choose to take the CCEA GCSE Digital Technology (Multimedia route) or AQA Computer Science specification as an optional subject.
Details of the syllabus followed can be found in the CCEA microsite for Digital Technology and the AQA website for Computer Science.
The Digital Technology courses allow pupils to explore a range of practical application packages. Computer Science develops programming skills. Both courses teach the basic theory that underpins the use and development of Computer Systems.
GCE Computer Science
In Sixth Form we currently use the AQA examination board syllabus for this course. This course will prepare pupils to study Software Engineering or other Computer related disciplines at any University, and for engineering and mathematics degrees.
Pupils will be encouraged to develop their programming, problem solving and independent learning skills to a very high level as well as learning a great deal about many technical aspects of Computer Systems and Networks interact.
Some of the careers available to pupils wishing to Study Computer Science include Systems Development, Website Design, Software Engineering, Games Design, AI and robotics.
Further information about the syllabus used can be found on the AQA website.
Years 8-10
Homework set approximately twice per month for Years 8 to 10 on Google Classroom.
Years 11-12
Up to one hour per week to include written work, completion of classwork or practice for practical work.
Years 13-14
Two/three hours per week. Includes written homework, preparation for new topics, project and practical work.
Pupils are also expected to spend two/four study periods on practical work during school.