Departmental Aims
All children should follow a curriculum which contains all the essential elements to enable them to develop their full potential and make their contribution to society - whether in their chosen career, personal and family life, or social activities".
(Education Reform (NI) Order - 1989)
Careers education has a central role to play in supporting the development of the knowledge, attitudes and skills required by young people in their adult working life. Careers education is one of the educational themes within the Northern Ireland Curriculum and therefore all post-primary schools must make appropriate cross-curricular provision. In addition schools are expected to provide discrete timetabled lessons.
The teaching of careers generally commences in Year 10 continuing through to Year 14 however, schools are increasingly introducing elements of careers education into Year 8 and 9 learning programmes.

Careers Education Curriculum based on
"Evaluating a Careers Programme" - DENI 1996
Curriculum Content
Guidance from DENI and CCEA has established 6 core components of pupil entitlement upon which a careers education programme should be based. The diagram below identifies each of these core elements.
Mrs C Henry (Head of Department)
Mrs S M Dalzell (Part-Time)
Mr D Greeves (T)
Miss K Millar (T)
Ms A C Morgan
Mrs S Torrens
Careers Programme
Sullivan runs an active Careers and Guidance programme from Key Stage 3 to Sixth Form and extends provision to pupils who have recently left secondary schooling. Currently 6 members of staff are responsible for co-ordinating and delivering the programme. Opportunities are sought for the involvement of outside organisations and individuals to participate in the provision of careers guidance. The Careers department uses the expertise of the Northern Ireland Careers Service, local universities, local businesses and parents to enrich the Careers Programme.
The provision includes:
Key Stage 3
Careers teachers contribute to the delivery of ‘Education for Employability’ through the Learning for Life and Work programme.
Guidance interviews for pupils and parents for GCSE choices.
Key Stage 4
Careers teachers provide and help to deliver material for the Pastoral programme.
A parental evening concerning choices at 16+.
Guidance interviews for pupils and parents for choices at 16+.
Outside speakers informing pupils about career paths.
Consultations with the Northern Ireland Careers Service for pupils with an interest in Further Education courses or employment.
Sixth Form
A weekly Year 13 taught Careers programme.
A week of work shadowing.
Organisation of Higher Education (HE) applications (UCAS, CAO etc).
The opportunity for pupils to consult with Careers teachers prior to their HE applications.
Various outside speakers representing HE and GAP Year organisations, and opportunities to attend Open Days and conferences.
After Care
A reference writing service for former pupils.
The facilitation of HE applications by former pupils.